Diane Turton, Realtors Collecting Holiday Food Donations


POINT PLEASANT BEACH, NEW JERSEY (November 17, 2008) – Even small donations of food or money will help the FoodBank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties assist hundreds of families in need this holiday season.  And this year, the FoodBank is reporting a significant increase in the number of people who are struggling to put simple meals on their tables each day.

 To assist the FoodBank, Diane Turton, Realtors once again has placed food collection bins in each of its 17 sales offices. Neighbors can bring non-perishable food items to offices which are located from Rumson to Beach Haven and open seven days a week from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Also, the sales offices in Spring Lake and Lacey are accepting frozen turkeys that will be stored in on-site freezers. All the food will be collected by the FoodBank.

  “We are continuing the great American tradition of gathering and sharing food with our neighbors during Thanksgiving and the holidays,” said Diane Turton, the real estate firm’s president and broker of record. “This time of year is about being grateful and giving to others so we are asking friends to make a donation.”

Contributions are urgently needed as the demand at local food pantries and feeding centers like soup kitchens and shelters continues to increase. The FoodBank said that food pantries along the Jersey Shore have seen a 32 percent increase in the number of families that are requesting food. For example, a local food pantry in Ocean County reported that it was assisting 10 families just a few months ago. Today, 44 families are coming in to supplement the food that they purchase in supermarkets.

 “Now more than ever, we are counting on the generous help of Diane Turton, Realtors and many local businesses that are collecting food donations this holiday season,” said Suzanne Kennedy, executive director of the FoodBank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties.

            The FoodBank’s list of non-perishable food items includes canned meats, fruits and


-2-Diane Turton, Realtors Annual Holiday Food Drive


vegetables as well as jars of peanut butter and cans of tuna fish. For a complete list of food items

visit the FoodBank’s website at www.foodbank.org.

             For the location of  the nearest Diane Turton, Realtors sales office contact

1-877-DTURTON or visit the website at www.dianeturton.com.


About Diane Turton, Realtors

Founded in 1986, Diane Turton, Realtors is a full-service real estate company serving Monmouth and Ocean counties in New Jersey and southeastern Florida. The firm provides a full range of financial service including home mortgages, property and casualty insurance, title insurance and more. The company’s web site is www.dianeturton.com and toll-free number is 1-877-DTURTON.